Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Smalltalk Reflections #009: Collections and Streams

On this episode, David and Craig discuss the collections and streams libraries of Smalltalk.  Along the way, they talk about Xtreams, traits and the new Treap collection introduced into VisualWorks.

You can leave comments on our blog at, leave us a review on iTunes or email us at  You can tweet us at @buckdk or @ccrraaiigg.

Monday, 19 January 2015

Smalltalk Reflections #008: Garbage Collection

Smalltalk was one of the earliest programming languages to include automatic garbage collection.  In this episode, David and Craig discuss the pros and cons of garbage collection and how it works in modern Smalltalk systems.

In this episode, we mention the Twitter tag #thingsPeopleBuiltWithSmalltalk

You can leave comments on our blog at, leave us a review on iTunes or email us at  You can tweet us at @buckdk or @ccrraaiigg.

Monday, 12 January 2015

Smalltalk Reflections #007: Minimalism

David and Craig talk about minimalism - the idea that you can create very small Smalltalk images that do useful and interesting things.

Check out Craig's Context site at:

You can leave comments on our blog at, leave us a review on iTunes or email us at  You can tweet us at @buckdk or @ccrraaiigg.

Monday, 5 January 2015

Smalltalk Reflections #006: Debugging

In this episode, David and Craig talk about debugging in Smalltalk.  The debugger is an essential tool and Smalltalkers use it for more than just finding and fixing bugs.

The video on debugging mentioned in this episode can be found here.

You can leave comments on our blog at, leave us a review on iTunes or email us at  You can tweet us at @buckdk or @ccrraaiigg.

Debugger video

In episode 6 of the Smalltalk Reflections podcast, we talk about debugging.  I made a short video about debugging in Smalltalk which you can watch here.